Mission of the Workshop

The initiation of the Iron Age took place over several millennia ago, yet discoveries of magnetic materials, broadly defined, are still at the central stage of our present era in which the principles of quantum mechanics play a pivotal role. This vibrant field of modern magnetism and spintronics has further been immensely fueled by the recent discoveries of two-dimensional magnetic materials, offering unprecedented opportunities for a better fundamental understanding of magnetic phenomena at atomic-scale precision. The Physical Review Workshop on Quantum Materials for Modern Magnetism & Spintronics (Q3MS) will bring together world-leading experts in experimental and theoretical physics to address critical issues at the frontier of the field. Emphases will be given to the latest developments surrounding new systems and materials that integrate magnetic, topological, and superconducting properties, new experimental approaches and probes, and new theoretical mechanisms and formalisms that, collectively, point to potential new directions of scientific development and device applications (especially for information processing and storage in the quantum regime). Besides perspective reviews, the highly selective invited speakers will be strongly encouraged to present unpublished work to expand the overall scope of the workshop and expected dynamical discussions.

Overall, the workshop aims to bring together early, mid-career, and senior physicists to identify relevant theoretical and experimental issues to develop further. In addition, representative editors from the Physical Review journals will participate to assess editorial needs and challenges in these research directions.

Format of the Workshop: Hybrid

Given the likely still very challenging situations surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic in the coming months, the workshop is planned to have a hybrid format, physically taking place in Hefei, China, but with the option to attend virtually.

Background of the Workshop

The Physical Review Workshops focus on topics that straddle traditional subject boundaries and new ones that are starting to “emerge from the noise”. They are being developed as the expanded versions of the Physics Next Workshops. Since its launching in 2017, all the Physics Next workshops had taken place in scenic Eastern Long Island, not far from the location of the APS editorial offices. The Physical Review Workshops would be held far away from Long Island, but would still be well attended by the relevant Physical Review editors.The present workshop is a follow-up to the first Physical Review Workshop launched in Hefei, China on November 10-13, 2019, with the theme of “New Frontiers of Superconductivity” (see more meeting info at https://icqd.ustc.edu.cn/prworkshop/main.psp), but with the new theme of “Quantum Materials for Modern Magnetism & Spintronics (Q3MS)”. Collectively, the goal of these workshops is to provide a setting to promote open and informal discussions and the exchange of information needed to help assess the promise and challenges of an emerging field. With this in mind, the workshops comprise only a limited number of presentations and leave considerable room for informal conversations, round-table discussions, and social activities.

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