English Version

Prof. Feng Liu: Strain-Induced Nanoscale Self-Assembly and Epitaxy-Promoted Topological State on Surface (2023/08/09)

( 2023-08-04 )


Strain-Induced Nanoscale Self-Assembly and Epitaxy-Promoted Topological State on Surface


Prof. Feng Liu (刘锋)

University of Utah, USA






Feng Liu is currently a Distinguished and Ivan B. Cutler Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at University of Utah. His research interests lie in the theoretical modeling and computer simulation, from electronic to atomic and to mesoscopic scales, to study a wide spectrum of physical behavior of materials, with a special focus on surfaces/interfaces, thin films and low-dimensional materials. His best-known work includes theoretical modeling of self-assembly/self-organization of quantum dots and quantum wires in epitaxial growth of strained thin films, prediction of organic two-dimensional topological materials and surface-based topological states, and prediction of many-body quantum states of yin-yang flat bands. He is the recipient of 2023 Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics. He is a fellow of American Physical Society. He served as Divisional Associated Editor of Physical Review Letters and he is founding editor-in-chief for Coshare Science.


This talk is an extended version of the invited talk I gave at the 2023 APS March meeting for receiving the Davisson-Germer prize in Atomic or Surface Physics. I will review some of our earlier works on elucidating stress/strain induced self-assembly of nanostructures during epitaxial growth of thin films and some of our recent works on epitaxial retention/promotion of surface-based topological semimetal and topological insulator states. I will share with you some of our fun research experiences.

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