English Version

Prof. Mu Wang: Manipulation of Light with Optical Metasurfaces: from Classical to Quantum (2024/09/30)

( 2024-09-24 )


Manipulation of Light with Optical Metasurfaces: from Classical to Quantum 


Prof. Mu Wang (王牧)

Nanjing University 







王牧教授于1984年和1991年分别获得南京大学学士和博士学位。1994年获首届“国家杰出青年科学基金”的资助。2006-2014年间任南京大学固体微结构物理国家重点实验室主任。20144月至20245月期间任Physical Review Letters副主编、Physical Review Materials主编和美国物理学会刊物中国地区协调人。曾任中国结晶学会副理事长、常务理事;中国物理学会常务理事;国际晶体生长组织(IOCG)常务理事;国际纯粹与应用物理联合会凝聚态结构与动力学委员会(C10)委员;美国物理学会国际科学事务委员会(CISA)委员。2004年当选英国物理学会Fellow,2012年当选美国物理学会Fellow2018年当选美国光学学会Fellow



Quantum entanglement is the cornerstone of quantum communication and computation. The generation and distribution of entangled quantum states are fundamental to ensure seamless communications across various network nodes. Yet traditional optical elements like waveplates and polarization beam splitters are usually bulky and heavy and do not meet the requirements for miniaturizing and integrating information systems. Metasurfaces offer a solution to resolve these challenges. Here, we present our studies on polarization transformation, distribution, entangle- ment, and multiplexing with optical metasurfaces, which significantly miniaturize optical systems. By introducing geometrical-scaling-induced (GSI) phase modulations, we can generate different types of polarization states simultaneously from a single metasurface. Further, we demonstrate that the entangled photon pairs may interact with metasurface building blocks with the GSI phase and transform into two-photon entangled states with the desired polarization. Two metasurfaces, each simultaneously distributing polarization-entangled photons to spatially separated multiple channels M (N), accomplish M × N channels of entanglement distribution and transformation. We also show a strategy to break the fundamental limit of polarization multiplexing capacity of meta-surfaces by introducing the engineered noise to the precise solution of Jones matrix elements. The conventional restriction of polarization multiplexing roots from the dimension constraint of the Jones matrix. This approach suggests a new paradigm for high-capacity optical displays, information encryption, and data storage.


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