English Version

Prof. Meng Wang: Experimental investigations on the nickelate high-Tc superconductors (2024/07/15)

( 2024-07-03 )


Experimental investigations on the nickelate high-Tc superconductors


Prof. Meng Wang (王猛)

Sun Yat-Sen University 







中山大学物理学院教授、博士生导师,现任中山大学物理学院副院长、广东省磁电物性分析与器件重点实验室副主任、物理学院中子科学与技术中心主任。王猛教授本科毕业于吉林大学物理学院,博士毕业于中国科学院物理研究所超导国家重点实验室,之后在加州大学伯克利分校物理系开展博士后研究工作。王猛教授已发表论文80余篇,包括NatureNature PhysicsNature CommunicationsPhysical Review LettersPhysical Review B等杂志,是Science China-PMACPLCPB、《物理学报》、《物理》杂志青年编委。王猛教授带领团队发现镍氧化物(La3Ni2O7)在14 GPa压力下具有80 K的超导电性,成果入选两院院士评选2023年中国十大科技进展新闻“2023年中国重大科学、技术和工程进展



Since the discovery of superconductivity at 80 K in single crystals of La3Ni2O7 at pressures above 14.0 GPa [1-5], extensive efforts have been made to understand the properties of the bilayer nickelate system at both ambient and high pressures. CDW, SDW, structural transition, strange metal behavior, orbital dependent correlations, etc. which are profound in copper oxide and iron-based superconductors also present in the pressure-dependent phase diagram of La3Ni2O7. They may be related or irrelevant to the superconductivity of nickelates under pressure. Currently, many questions are open. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the discovery of the superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 and discuss the research progress in nickelate superconductors [6-13].


[1] Z. Liu, H. L. Sun, M. W. Huo, et al., Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 66, 217411(2023).

[2] H. L. Sun, M. W. Huo, X. W. Hu et al., Nature 621, 493-498(2023)   

[3] Y. N. Zhang, M. Wang, H. Q. Yuan et al., arXiv:2307.14819(Nature Physics, 2024)

[4] J. Hou, M. Wang, J. G. Cheng et al., Chinese Physics Letters 40, 117302(2023)

[5] Y. Z. Zhou, J. Guo, S. Cai et al., arXiv:2311.12361 (2023)

[6] L. H. Wang, Y. Li, S. Y. Xie et al., JACS 146, 7506(2024)

[7] Z. Liu, Y. M. Dai, M. Wang, H. H. Wen et al., arXiv:2307.02950(2023)

[8] J. Yang, L. Zhao, M. Wang, X. J. Zhou et al., Nat. Commnu. 15, 4373(2024)

[9] J. Li, C. Chen, C. Huang et al., Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 67, 117403 (2024)

[10] Z. H. Dong et al., Nature 630, 847 (2024)

[11] T. Xie M. Wang et al., arXiv:2401.12635(2024)

[12] D. L. Feng, K. J. Zhou et al., arXiv:2401.12657(2024)

[13] D. Zhao, T. Wu, X. H. Chen at al., arXiv:2402.03952(2024)

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