English Version

Prof. Qihua Xiong: Exciton Polariton Lattices in Halide Perovskite Semiconductors (2019/12/26)

( 2019-12-10 )


Exciton Polariton Lattices in Halide Perovskite Semiconductors


Prof. Qihua Xiong (熊启华)

Division of Physics and Applied Physics, Nanyang Technological University






熊启华教授,武汉大学物理系学士(1997),中科院上海应用物理所硕士(2000),美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学博士(2006)。2006-2009年在哈佛大学Charles Lieber研究组从事博士后研究。20096月加入南洋理工大学,任南洋助理教授,2014年获得终身教职,2016年升正教授。2014-2019年期间担任数理科学学院副院长主管科研、研究生教育及教职事务。熊启华教授的主要研究领域是半导体光学和光谱学。他在微纳光子学、半导体光制冷以及低维材料强光-物质相互作用等前沿课题做出了一系列卓有影响的工作。在《自然》及子刊等一系列国际知名杂志上发表了220多篇文章,并被世界知名杂志及大众媒体所报道,总引用次数超过12000次,H-因子63。其出色的研究获得了一些奖励和认可,如美国物理学会会士(2018),新加坡物理学会纳米科技奖(2015),新加坡国立研究基金NRF InvestigatorshipNRF Fellowship奖(20142009年),和南洋研究卓越奖(2014)等。现任美国光学学会杂志《Optics Express》副主编,Wiley信息材料领域杂志《InfoMat》的副主编和《半导体学报》副主编,任《ACS Photonics》、《Nano Research》、《Science China Materials》期刊编委会成员。20201月将担任《Nano Letters》副主编。2017年获得国家高级专家计划,2019年加入清华大学物理系。


Exciton polaritons are part-light, part-matter strongly interacting Bosonic quasiparticles by dressing excitonic resonances with microcavity photons. They have extremely light effective mass and strong nonlinearity, which have shown tremendous potential in quantum fluid of light (i.e., Bose-Einstein condensate of polaritons), ultrafast polaritonic switching and topological polaritonics. Over the past several decades, this field has been largely fuelled by high quality II-VI (e.g., CdTe) or III-V (e.g., GaAs) quantum wells operating at only cryogenic temperatures constrained by the small exciton binding energy. Some organic materials show promising operation at room temperature, nonetheless they usually suffer from large threshold density and weak nonlinearity. Here in this talk, I will introduce our recent progress in realizing exciton polariton condensate and lasing in a few halide perovskite semiconductors. Then I will show that we can further optically manipulate the condensate by introducing 1D artificial polariton lattices with a large forbidden bandgap opening up to 13 meV. This work further opens a diverse possibility of 2D polariton lattices and network towards quantum simulator and topological lasing. Finally, I will show some perspective work in electrically pumped polariton lasing and topological polaritons at room temperature.

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